I’m Rita Mendes, a 20-year-old young woman from Monção, who completed the second year of the Integrated Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management, at the University of Minho, and I had the opportunity to undertake a summer internship at one of the most renowned companies in the area. of Industry, Technology and Innovation, ISQ&CTAG Automotive Technologies.
An ambitious, committed and dynamic university student, I decided to make my summer more productive and useful for my future professional life, through something that challenged me, put me to the test and allowed me to get out of my comfort zone. In this context, the idea of a summer internship emerged, which is an incredible opportunity to prepare young people for the job market and should be seen as a tool for learning and growth. Without a doubt, the job market is increasingly competitive, so it is necessary to prepare for the future and think of ways to make a difference, and extracurricular experiences are the most valued.
In the job market, there is no shortage of short-term internship options and, although at an initial stage there were many doubts, I quickly became certain that it had to be in a company in which my knowledge could be useful and through which I could develop various skills in my area of study, industrial management, which despite being very comprehensive, is mainly based on new technologies, project management, systems optimization, quality, production management and logistics. Although, until then, I have never been in contact with the business world, the automobile industry has always been at the top of my preferences, both due to the complexity it requires, and the fact that it is an industry with high expression in Europe and, also due to the base of industrial engineering and management being the models of Fordism and Toyotism, both in the automotive sector, two production models created to optimize the efficiency and productivity of industries. Since project management and quality are the areas in which I intend to pursue my studies in greater depth, ISQ&CTAG emerged as the perfect opportunity to begin my professional career and, in this way, be able to have a better understanding of what it is all about. and if I really identify with these areas. Therefore, I would like to thank the General Director of ISQ&CTAG, André Mendes, for promptly accepting my candidacy for the summer internship and during this two-month period for giving me the opportunity to join his work team.
Interning at ISQ&CTAG was an invaluable and fruitful experience, both personally and professionally. In just 2 months, I had the opportunity to interact with different areas of the company, understand their work dynamics and have a clearer idea of the professional paths I could follow. It was, without a doubt, a challenging opportunity on all levels, where I discovered a new world with constant challenges that made me forget the days lost at the beach.
As far as my experience in this summer internship is concerned, it was quite diverse and evolved progressively over time, allowing me to get the best out of it. Since my first week at ISQ&CTAG in Monção, I had the opportunity to follow the entire process of tests on components and subsystems integrated into vehicles carried out, from the creation of new bulletins for projects, to the creation of test sheets based on requests for work received and based on the applied OEM standards, observation of the completion of the test and, also, the preparation of the final report delivered to the customer. At an early stage, I had to understand the working methods, team dynamics and how all processes work. Furthermore, I had the opportunity to have a first contact with the standards of the most used OEMs and from which the tests are prepared. The rigor of the tests and the mission of trying to scrupulously comply with the procedure described in the standard for the test carried out, was undoubtedly my first lesson in this internship. Subsequently, my purpose in this experiment was to collaborate in the preparation of test sheets and, above all, reports. Therefore, I was very involved in the operational management of projects, since these are short-term projects, in which the test has to be carried out and the results presented in a very limited period of time.
ISQ&CTAG is involved in the “PAC – Portugal AutoCluster for the Future” project, which is a mobilizing program that arises from the Mobinov Cluster initiative and is led by Simoldes Plásticos S.A, in partnership with a broad and representative group of other companies and entities of the national scientific and technological system. The project aims to address technological challenges identified in the national automotive sector with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of entities in the national sector and their insertion and prominence in the international context. The purpose of this project is to create the vehicle of the future, which includes electric and hybrid vehicles. My collaboration in this project consisted of participating in various meetings to present results by the companies involved and carrying out the task “Systematization of new testing and validation approaches for the vehicle of the future”, which aimed to define methodologies for the sustainability assessment and systematization of new testing and validation approaches associated with the vehicle of the future.
My involvement in the company increased over these two months, however, I started to have a more active participation during the holidays of some members of this work team, in which I was responsible for managing projects for one of the members. In this sense, I became more integrated into the way the company worked, everything that was necessary to do so that the test carried out was successful and could bring the greatest financial benefit to the company. In this way, I was able to follow the entire process and be involved in many of the activities, namely, creating new bulletins, test sheets, launching programs for the test, report and, especially, planning. As part of the planning, the purpose was to ensure greater space efficiency, ensuring that all available equipment was being used in the most beneficial way possible. In this sense, my knowledge in the area of project management was very useful in ensuring that during the holiday period, despite the number of staff being small, we could ensure that all projects reached a successful conclusion and were carried out successfully.
In addition to all this, I also had the opportunity to help correct some of the non-conformities that the company had in the last audit it underwent, thus contributing to better performance in the next audit that may be targeted. This fact was very useful in understanding some of the company’s weaknesses and what strategies to adopt to successfully overcome and overcome them. During my summer internship, a new member joined the work team, which allowed me to see how the company adapted, as well as the entire process of integrating the new member, in which I was also involved.
ISQ&CTAG results from the partnership between the Institute of Welding and Quality (ISQ) and the Automotive Techonology Center of Galicia (CTAG), in which both carry out testing and process engineering in the automotive sector, which allows this company to have numerous advantages that are reflected in much of its way of functioning, namely in working hours as well as in the way in which members of the work team are treated, regardless of the existing hierarchy. The fact that there is this influence coming from Spain allowed me to understand the differences that exist in the same area of work in different countries, as well as to develop my language skills.
During this internship, I had the opportunity to see, do and learn a lot. ISQ&CTAG is an accredited laboratory that offers a diverse range of services aimed at the automotive industry, which needs its equipment and products to meet quality and safety requirements. The tests carried out guarantee compliance with applicable legislation, standards, directives and codes. For all of this, excellent equipment is needed, which exists in very few laboratories in Europe, which makes ISQ&CTAG a differentiating company that stands out for presenting cutting-edge technology, in which the majority of the population is unaware of its potential. It is undoubtedly clear that this is a company that invests a lot in innovation, committed to making a difference, engaging in various entrepreneurial projects that contribute to the advancement of the automobile industry. Research is also something that is part of ISQ&CTAG, which allows them to develop new knowledge and, simultaneously, acquire the necessary funds to acquire new resources essential to the development of any company.
Although the last year and a half has been atypical and a major recession in terms of the global economy, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ISQ&CTAG is currently showing signs of recovery and growth, which are important for the company as a whole. Furthermore, it is extremely clear, for those who have the possibility of contacting the company, that it is growing rapidly, particularly through the acquisition of new equipment and the hiring of qualified labor. All the commitment of this company is to be commended, which despite experiencing great growth in a short space of time, which is not always easy to manage, has demonstrated very positive results and a prosperous future with many achievements.
The entire team is highly professional, with a lot of knowledge in the field and laboratory experience. The main objective of the tests carried out by ISQ&CTAG is the detection of possible failures and errors that car parts may demonstrate, when subjected to test conditions that try to reflect the conditions that any car faces during its useful life. They are responsible for validating all components inserted into a car, so it is extremely important to ensure that all tests are carried out as rigorously as possible and that there are competent personnel and knowledge mainly of chemistry and physics to interpret any result. that may come from the tests carried out.
I learned from everyone, without exception, each with their own particularities and areas of greatest expertise, but everyone was available to share with me what they know and know how to do best. ISQ&CTAG, like any other company, has a long way to go, there are always improvements that can be made, especially in the area of team organization and communication. The environment we live in is one of unity and sharing, where everyone has the central objective of taking the company to a successful conclusion and, I believe, rowing in the right direction to make this happen. I had the opportunity to get to know exactly how a company works, what mindsets should govern and what the main requirements are for success. Each company is a particular case, however, I believe that there are essential common points, such as team spirit, the desire to learn and always give the best and, of course, because time is money, make the company as profitable as possible, never forgetting to invest in innovation, investment necessary for development. Another aspect that I also discovered to be relevant is the company’s participation in various external activities, namely through partnerships, which allow it to give the company another visibility, as well as the acquisition of new knowledge and talents.
From the first moment I joined the company, I was extremely well received, immediately included in the team and treated as a member of it. Therefore, for my first professional experience I could not be more satisfied with the opportunity given to me and I was extremely grateful for everything they taught me and all the moments of excellence they gave me at ISQ&CTAG. I finish this experience, a two-month summer internship, with the greatest satisfaction and a feeling of accomplishment. I feel that I gave my best, I committed myself to being able to contribute to the development of the company, both through the knowledge in the area of industrial management that I master, and through other personal skills that I had the opportunity to explore. It is with deep pride that I will say that I had the opportunity to do a summer internship in Monção, a small town in the north of Portugal, in an excellent company like ISQ&CTAG, which is growing strongly, and which I am sure will still bring a lot of joy. and I will listen to it a lot in the future. After this internship, I feel more confident to face the world of work, aware that each company is different, I have no doubt that it was a great starting point and will serve as a model and reference for me. As I said, I am an ambitious and determined young woman, I hope this was the beginning of a beautiful professional career, marked by quality companies, where there is never a lack of desire to change, learn, grow and develop. What I hope is that ISQ&CTAG, like me, considered that I exceeded the expectations they had in me, I hope I was able to show my potential and have been an asset. I demand excellence from myself, so I hope this has had an impact on the work I have carried out during this period and that the company has benefited from my presence.
The baggage I take from this experience is indescribable, but the knowledge in the automotive area, especially with regard to testing and validation of components, as well as knowledge of operational management and, also, what I learned from the posture to be adopted in a business context , are the aspects that I highlight most. Observant and very attentive to details, I was able to notice many realities that I didn’t know existed in a company, but which will be useful tools to see what I should or shouldn’t do in future professional experiences.
Finally, I would like to thank the entire ISQ&CTAG team, without exception, for the extraordinary way they welcomed and welcomed me and, also, for all the knowledge, help and good environment they provided me during these two months. I wanted to highlight the general director, André Mendes, and the testing laboratory manager, Elena López, both with an impeccable career and excellent knowledge in both the automotive and laboratory sectors. They combine knowledge and experience, and shared with me much of what they learned throughout their professional career, giving me the opportunity to make my contribution to the company and learn by doing, practice is everything and both allowed me to get involved in different activities and dynamics of the company, trusting and always providing all the necessary support. I would also like to thank Engineer Rita Pena, who welcomed me and allowed me to take my first steps within the company, with extraordinary competence, organization and knowledge, who was very available to teach me and help me with everything. Methodical and with a notable quality of work, she instructed me with the necessary bases to later be able to take on other functions, and be able to understand the entire company’s involvement. To Engineer Eduardo Alves, I would also like to say a special thank you, for giving me the opportunity to accompany him in carrying out many tests and for allowing me to help manage all the tests he was in charge of during the summer vacation period. some members. I believe that we assembled a functional and effective team, where I developed with him my more practical skills from the validation tests carried out in the company.
I wish the greatest success to ISQ&CTAG and the entire team that forms it, hoping that they continue at the good pace of growth they are currently showing and manage to achieve all the objectives they set for themselves. Their job is to detect errors that automobile parts or products may have, I hope, therefore, that they are able to always find their mistakes as an organization and find the solutions they need, always challenging and betting on innovation, because I have no doubt, that this It is the path everyone must take to achieve success. Thank you very much and, who knows, see you next time.